Disclosure pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("Code in
on the protection of personal data").
We inform you that the data you provide by registering on this site
are collected by Il Giardino di Lipari Sas as Data Controller, for
allow you to obtain the services offered by the site.
The provision of data is mandatory; without it will not be possible
provide the requested service.
Personal data
The data will be processed by Il Giardino di Lipari Sas exclusively with
methods and procedures necessary to provide you with the services you have requested.
We confirm that your data will not be disseminated in any case but
they may be communicated, again for the aforementioned purposes, to companies
who perform tasks of a technical nature on our behalf
organizational structure instrumental to the provision of services.
The data provided will be recorded and stored on electronic media e
processed with adequate security measures also by associating them ed
integrating them with other legitimately usable databases.
Their treatment will be carried out with IT tools suitable for
always guarantee the security and protection of your privacy, such as
required by Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
Within the limits and with the protections provided by law and with your consent
information you provide may be used to contact you e
send you commercial and/or promotional information about products e
services, free samples, discount coupons from Il Giardino di Lipari Sas
Furthermore, by Il Giardino di Lipari Sas, always with your consent,
they may be communicated to other companies operating in the sectors
publishing, automotive, insurance, finance, consumer goods e
distribution, mail order, to organizations
humanitarian and charitable organizations or to other companies whose updated list is a
Your disposal to the Data Processor of Il Giardino di Lipari Sas These companies will be able to contact you as holders of autonomous
initiatives, for market research or to send you information
commercial and/or advantageous promotional offers, free samples,
discount coupons, be contacted for opinion polls.
We inform you that the art. 7 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 confers
to the interested party the exercise of specific rights. Particularly in any
moment, by writing to the Data Processor c/o Il Giardino di Lipari Sas, Viale Regina Margherita 59, 98122, Messina, you will be able to obtain
free of charge for updating, rectification, cancellation or
transformation of your data into anonymous form.